
Monday, October 31, 2005

Texas Roadhouse

This past weekend I finally made a trip to the new "Texas Roadhouse" restuarant in Johnston. I had heard that it was pretty much the same as Lone Star. I was hoping it would be better. I have always thought that Lone Star was a poor man's Outback, when it came to steakhouses. So, I went in with a little skeptisism.
The menu was your typical steakhouse menu. Our bubbly waitress explained that all their meat was cut fresh and never frozen and she claimed that the rib meat was so tender it will fall from the bone when you picked it up. (I was thinking...what a bunch of BS.)
Before dinner, the Roadhouse serves warm bread with cinnamon butter. This was weird as first, but tasted excellent. Our food arrived and as the waitress had claimed, the rib meat fell off the bones. So I was impressed! The steak was good, but not great and the rest of the food was okay. Would I eat there again....Yes. I would definately say give Texas Roadhouse a shot and try the ribs.

One last note. My stepfather was celebrating his birthday while we were there. They made him get up on a saddle and they had the whole restuarant give him a "Yeee Haw!". So that was fun.....Also the servers did a line dance performance while we were there, which was some added entertainment.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Eat More Chicken! That is the ad we have seen on televsion in Central Iowa, but have never had a chance to see in person. The clever ads showcase cows trying to get people to eat chicken instead of beef. If you have been down south maybe you have been lucky enough to have been to a Chick-fil-A restuarant. Now you have a chance to try the best chicken sandwich in the business. Chick-fil-A has opened their first store in Iowa at the Jordan Creek Mall. Yes, I said the BEST chicken sandwich in the business. I can't explain it, but they taste like a little piece of heaven. (By the way, I love chicken, so I may be a bit biased.)
Bottom line: Get out to the mall in West Des Moines to try this new treat. But, remember they are closed on Sundays!

Monday, October 17, 2005

It's hard to be a Cyclone Fan

Have you ever just wanted to grab your radio and throw it out the window? This past weekend was one of those days. First of all, it is so frustrating that I have to listen to ISU football games rather than watch them on T.V. How can a major Big 12 program not even get televised locally?????? That is off the subject....... Anyways, if you follow football you may have heard. The Cyclones have started off the Big 12 season 0-3. Two overtime losses and a loss to Baylor! We should have one all three of the games. I have always been an ISU fan and will continue to be.....but that doesn't mean it is easy! Oh well it is just a game.