
Friday, October 06, 2006

On the Drive

Today was just like any other day while driving to work. I was listening to some tunes, spacing off and trying not to be blinded by the sun. Then, I saw something. It was car transporter. But, this one was empty. The wheel tracks leading up to the back of the truck didn't look that far from the ground. It looked as if I could just drive my Ion right up it. I starting thinking to myself.... I should try it. Why should I do the same boring thing everyday? TODAY, I AM GOING TO GET CRAZY!!

So I floored my little 4-cylinder Saturn Ion (I felt like Tom Cruise in Days of Thunder). I was determined to get onto the back of the car transporter. My wheels met with the back of the truck, a horrible metal on metal screaching sound pierced my ears. I lost control of the car and did a 360 onto the otherside of the interstate. Wow. I guess the little Ion couldn't handle it. But at least I gave it a shot. :) I can't wait to explain this one to the insurance guy.


  1. Thanks to the "Next Blog" button on Blogger I came upon your blog. Anyway this is quite possibly the funniest thing I've read all week. I feel exactly like that almost every morning on my way to work. I'll refrain from expletives because of your favorite book section but just let it be know that this entry is {beep} hilarious and I admire your courage to add a little excitement to your day. Rock on...

  2. I'd stay away from any appearances on Fear'd lose...

  3. ... a very concerned former co-worker called me today and was quite FRANTIC that this had actually happened. To which I replied ... "Hey! It's THOMAS, remember???!!! Now, do you really believe it's reality ... or just that famous Brogan Delusion?"

    And then she replied, "Oh, yeah, I suppose you're right."

    But, if you ever really decide to do that - let me know and I'll videotape it for you :)

  4. "Brogan Delusion"????? I don't know how I should take that statement???

    It blog was suppose to be an entertaining little story on something that I think about only in my head. I think we all want to try crazy things sometimes. So yes it is not real. My car is fine and I am fine. :)

  5. Well that sucks, I was stoked and now let down. Your not nearly the intresting person I thought you once were. Oh well, I'll keep reading anyway.
