
Monday, April 16, 2007

The Fridge

I arrived home late last night and I was feeling hungry. I knew before I opened the refrigerator that there wasn't going to be much in there. But, I figured that I might as well check. I opened the door and I saw a great condiment selection and some beer. That wasn't going to feed my hunger. I closed the door and sat down on my couch............. 5 Minutes go by................another 10 minutes................... I still haven't eaten anything............ I am still very much hungry.
So I head into the kitchen again. I decide to take another look in the fridge, thinking that someway food will magically appear in there. Still nothing. I ended up going through this process 4 times before I finally just gave up and went to bed.

Am I the only one that does this? I think not. I know that there are many people out there that take that look into the fridge more than just once, some how thinking that the food fairy will deliver you some food.

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