
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Caught in the Act

I know other people do this. It just can't be me. The other day I was sitting at dinner, I wondered to myself if I remembered to put on deodorant that morning. It is such a habit to slap on deodorant, sometimes I don't realize that I do it. So I decided to check this little problem out. I did the "fake turn" over my left shoulder and pretended to look at something. Little did everyone else know, I was really smelling for B.O. The left pit smelled good, now I had to check out the right one. Now, I just couldn't do the same "fake turn" again, so I decided to do the "fake stretch". I raised up my arms in the air and tilted my head to the right. Ahhhh...Smells like Right Guard to me. Just then my dinner companion called me on it. She had realized what I was doing. Man, did I feel like an idiot. But we all do it.....DON'T WE??

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