
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Man vs Black Friday

I had a very strategic plan this past Black Friday. I knew what I wanted and nobody was going to get in my way. My first spot to hit the bargain trail was Sears at 5am. To my surprise there was only a line of about 20 people at the door in front of me when I got there. When the doors opened, people were civilized and walked in. I knew exactly where the stuff I needed was located and swiftly moved past all the people turning in circles looking for their items. I was able to snag a Digital Frame for $49.00, a nice $300 Christmas tree for $99, and a memory card for just $9.99. The store was jam packed but no injuries or chaos to speak of.

Next stop on the trail was Target at 6am. Both doors of Target had lines of about 60 people when I arrived. When the doors opened all hell broke loose. People began running in and grabbing carts. I needed to get over to the electronics department fast. It was crazy. Women were pushing carts into my legs, yelling, pushing and I even think I saw a woman bite another one. I was able to make my way over to the DVDs and find "Seinfeld: Season 8" for half price that I wanted. Although I did make it fine, my wife was not so lucky. Since she is just a little one (only 5' tall), she got lost in the crowd almost trampled. I finally found her and she had enough of the Black Friday fun.

Overall the 2007 Black Friday campaign was a success. I got everything I wanted and only ended up with a few bruises from crazy cart ladies. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday weekend!

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