
Friday, November 16, 2007

New Review On My Book

Here is another new review on my book (The Brogan Book: Your Daily Blarney):

Have you ever watched 60 Minutes and Andy Rooney comes on and, curmudgeon that he is, rants in essay form about this or that inconsequential thing that gives him a gut ache that particular week?
Thomas Brogan's Daily Blarney is similar to that. But Mr. Brogan limits his rants and sarcasm.
Not that Thomas Brogan doesn't have a justifiable beef. He often does. And he sees things and relates them in unique ways. Like gift cards—nice to get because you don't have to wear “the purple sweater with a pear that grandma picked out.” But now Thomas has a problem. Without a gift card, he can find many things in a store he would like to get. But once he has a gift card (“free money to spend”), he can't find anything he really wants. Since he's impatient and has money to “burn,” he often feels he needs to use it right then—and gets something he really didn't want. Much like the unwanted gift that seemingly was avoided.
You'll be amazed, as Mr. Brogan was, that water can kill you! Yes, water intoxication, they call it. See, I told you dihydrogen monoxide was bad and ought to be banned!
The book is a riot to read. You may even find yourself laughing or even agreeing with some (or many) of Mr. Brogan's observations. Or give this book as a gift. It has to be better than that purple sweater with a pear you were planning on re-gifting!

Reviewed by: John L. Hoh, Jr. ( 4 out of 5 stars

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