
Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year Resolutions

Yes, it's that time of year again. Time to make those New Year resolutions that usually last about a week. My resolution this year is to make no resolutions. But, I have already failed because I made a resolution to have no resolutions. So really I am no better off than any other past year. Anywho, I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year's Eve!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Old School Nintendo Games are Back!

Were you ever addicted to Zelda or Super Mario Brothers growing up? I still remember that day when I bought my first Nintendo entertainment system. I had saved up for a year to buy one and once it was in my possession life would never be the same. I played for hours upon hours everyday and night. I coudn't sleep at night thinking about the new strategy I was going to use in Zelda or how I could save the Mushroom princess in Mario Brothers. Then there was Techmo Bowl....... Could anybody really stop Bo Jackson in that game? (See video below) Anyways now you can play all your old favorites on you pc. Just go to:

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Merry Christmas from Brogan

Thanks to all of you who have become loyal readers of the blog over the past year. I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas! My gift to you is a free download of my book, "The Brogan Book: Your Daily Blarney". Feel free to download a copy and email it out to all your friends and family. It has even been said that my book is a great cure for somebody who has trouble falling asleep! God Bless!


Monday, December 10, 2007

Free 411 for Your Cell Phone

If you are like me you don't use 411 on your cell phone because it costs either $.75 or $1.50 depending our your cell phone provider. But now there is a way around that. From your cell phone you can dial 1-800-373-3411 (1-800-Free411) and won't have to pay a dime to find out the phone number or address your are looking for. Sound to good to be true? I thought so too, but I tried it out and it works to perfection. For more info you can also visit their website by clicking here.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Paying for a Snow Job?

I live in a townhouse where I have to pay an association fee of $105.00 a month. Sometimes this seems a little high and I have been known to complain about it. But it was days like yesterday that make it worth every penny. As the snow storm hit Central Iowa, I had that piece of mind that I wouldn't have to go home and shovel my driveway. None of that back breaking work in the below freezing temperatures that all my fellow neighbors in houses have to do. On my drive to work this morning I took a moment to think about all my financial investments, but none of them compared to that $105 a month today.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Morph Into an Elf

Hey, I just made a total elf of myself. Check it out by clicking the link below.

This is pretty cool. Send all your friends and family an elf greeting!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Sale at Kohls

Oh, look Kohls is having another sale. "The Biggest of the Year" according to their ad! Here is the question...... When are they not having a sale? I hope people are catching on that their "sale" prices are really just their normal prices. They show a "regular" price with the markup way too high so it seems like you are getting a good deal. It is smart marketing, but I hope everyone knows better.