
Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Perfect Burger

A lot of the restaurants around town don't seem to know what a good hamburger is all about. First of all you never put shredded lettuce on a hamburger. For that matter you can can just leave all vegetables off the plate, no need for onions or tomatoes either. I think a lot of cook's like to over think the burger too much. They try and add things that shouldn't really be there, a good example of that is the Bonsai Burger at Red Robin. I mean come on! A fried egg on top of a burger? Not even close to the perfect burger. In my younger days I worked at a restaurant that served the "Goober Burger" which included peanut butter and mayonnaise on the burger. I really think somebody was drunk when they thought up of that. So enough complaining about imperfect burgers. Here, in my opinion is the burger they are serving once you enter heaven:

1/2 Pound Angus Burger (seasoned with salt & pepper and grilled to Medium well perfection), topped with Jack & American (must be melted) cheese, bacon and mayonnaise. One of the keys to this burger is that you have a toasted bun. On the side 3 dill pickle slices and fries (mayo on the side to dip in). Top this all off with a nice ice cold Pepsi to wash it down with. This my friend is the culmination of the perfect burger. I am hungry just typing about it!


  1. I thought the Goober Burger was named after Lutz!?

    And whatever happened to the Brogan chicken tender sandwich?

  2. The "Tom Chicken Melt" was pretty damn good. Wish I could eat one right now. I need to open my own restaurant. Hmmmmm....
