
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Siegel vs Van Damme vs Chuck Norris - w/ Bonus Rap Video (Hilarious)

Steven Siegel and Jean-Claude Van Damme have to be the worst two actors I have ever seen in a movie. But despite this fact, they still keep making more and more movies. How is this possible? How can these no talent clowns keep getting paid to stink up the movie screen? I do have to admit that there is one Siegel movie that I do like. Executive Decision, a movie that came out in 1996 starring Halle Berry, is the one great Siegel movie. The reason..... He is only in it 5 minutes in the beginning and his character dies. It's great!

The only question worth asking about these two guys is who would win in a fight? The ponytail might give Siegel an edge, but I think Van Damme would come out on top. But who cares.... Chuck Norris could kick both of their butts.


  1. You might want to check this one out...

  2. Feels like I'm a youngster again with Indiana Jones and Star Wars hitting theaters in 2008. Sounds like fun!

  3. Did you check out the first video, with Steven Siegel as "cockpuncher"?
