
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Obama and McCain on Abortion

A few days ago Obama and McCain met in a forum put together by pastor Rick Warren to talk about issues concerning America. Here is what both candidates said about abortion. This is another classic example of how Obama tries to side step every question and can't give us a definite answer.

Another Obama moment. "A baby is punishment". Wow. This is who might be our next president. Scary.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Cell Phones for Soldiers

If you're like me you get a new cell phone every two years when your contract is up. Or you might even buy a new one more often. My point is, you probably have some old cell phones sitting around that you don't use anymore just collecting dust. So why not put them to good use? Donate them to Cell Phones for Soldiers. This is a non-profit group that sells the phones to a company that recycles them. The money that they get for the phones is used to purchase calling cards that are sent to our soldiers serving. You can find a drop off site near you or print off a prepaid mailing label on their website. Click here for more info. I encourage everybody to participate!