
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Update Your Cell Phone

Can you hear me now? Maybe not.... if you haven't updated. For all you Verizon users out there (like me), you may not know that you need to periodically update your phone to make sure you are getting the newest roaming list from the network. What can updating do for you?

By updating your PRL (Preferred roaming list) every few weeks, you can be sure you have access to our enhancements. As a result you may experience: Longer battery life, Fewer dropped or blocked calls, Clear, crisp connections in more areas across the United States and the ability to connect to the digital network in more parts of the country.

So how do you do it?..... Instructions for updating your PRL:
Power on your phone within any Verizon Wireless digital service area.
Dial *228 and then press SEND (this call is airtime free).
When prompted, press option 2 to update your phone's roaming capabilities
(the update may take up to 2 minutes).
Once completed, a confirmation message will appear to inform you that your phone has been re-programmed with the new PRL.

For those of you who use other carriers you may want to check with them to see if you should be updating too.

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