
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lawsuit seeks to take 'so help me God' out of inaugural

I was reading the news this morning when I saw a headline that said "Lawsuit seeks to take 'so help me God' out of inaugural" that caught my eye. Is this the world we are living in now? The story goes on to say that a few atheists got together and felt like they were not being represented by government because the word "God" was showing up. Guess what.... You are living in the United States of America, a nation founded under God. The basis of American government is built upon Godly principals. So knowing that fact, these people who are so offended by God being used in government should look into moving somewhere else.... or just deal with it. I get sick of our country being so "Politically Correct". If we keep up this pattern of being 'PC'pretty soon we won't even recognize our own country.

the full story here

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Extreme Weather Chasing

This past month I started watching a show on the Discovery channel called "Storm Chasers". The premise of the show is exactly like it sounds, two different groups chasing storms and the resulting tornadoes caused across the Midwest. Being an Iowa native, I am all too familiar with the devastation a tornado can cause. But there is just something about a tornado that makes it so interesting to watch. The 100mph plus winds and the pure awesome power of nature is amazing! Anyways, one of the two groups from the show have a cool website with footage of tornadoes and many other extreme weather updates you should check out:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Whip It, Whip it Good

I was listening to some Christmas music yesterday and I realized I like the sound of a whip. (The sound was in a song with Santa and his reindeer.) I also like to try and make the sound of a whip. Whoopah!!! But that is where the like of the whip ends. I definitely don't want to be whipped by anybody and I don't want to whip anybody. But, I guess I would probably use a whip Indiana Jones style if I had to. Hmmmm...