
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Easy Dips to Make for your Superbowl Party

Here are 2 really easy dips you can make at your upcoming Superbowl party. Yes, even you guys can put this together.

Pickle Roll Up Dip
What you need: Sour Cream 8oz container, Whipped Cream Cheese 8oz, 2 packages Carlbuddig Corned Beef, 1/2 Jar Dill Pickle Relish, 1/4 teaspoon Salt

Cut up Corned beef into small pieces, mix all ingredients together stirring well in medium sized bowl. Serve with crackers (wheat thins taste great). Tastes just like eating a pickle roll up without the mess!

Ultimate Cheese Dip
What you need: 1 can Hormel Chili (with our without beans), 2 lb. box of Velveeta Cheese, Crock pot

Throw the hunk of Velveeta cheese in crock pot along with chili. Set on medium and let the cheese meltdown. Make sure to stir it every 10 minutes or so until ready to eat. Takes about an hour until it's nice and hot. Tastes great and is way too easy!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Asian Hamburger Helper?

I was walking down the aisle in my local supermarket and something new caught my eye. I almost did a double take when I saw that Hamburger Helper now has two new varieties of Asian Helper. There is a Beef Fried Rice and a Mongolian Beef flavor to choose from. Generally speaking, I'm not usually a huge fan of Hamburger Helper (aka shit in a box), but even I couldn't resist trying out the Beef Fried Rice. It was pretty easy to make, just cook up some hamburger add seasoning and rice. When it gets done, you add 2 scrambled eggs to give it that classic fried rice feel. Overall, it was okay. It definitely needed a little salt and pepper to help it out. I probably wouldn't buy it again, but it does make me wonder....... What's next? Irish Helper perhaps? Maybe a corn beef and cabbage flavor? Only time will tell.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Great Deal on SDHC Memory Card

I just bought a new camcorder that uses an SDHC card for memory and I was in search of the best deal out there. After about an hour of shopping around I was able to find an 8gb SDHC card by Transcend on for only $12.99. Plus you get free shipping and there is no tax. I know what you might be saying... To good to be true? I read all the reviews for this product and everything I saw was good. So if you are looking at a memory upgrade for your camcorder or digital camcorder it's worth checking out. Here is a link to the product page: Click here.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Glenn is Coming Back

Glenn Beck is finally going to be back on the air Monday, January 19th. Yep, Beck, who was previously on CNN has made the jump to Fox News, which seems to be a better fit. The first guest on the new network will be our favorite Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin, who I think Glenn may have a bit of a crush on? Anyways, tune in for some great television and straight talk about government, the economy and more. Monday at 4pm Central on Fox News.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Baby Stories

With the due date fastly approaching for my first born child, one thing has become more clear.... Crystal clear...People love to tell you about their birthing experiences. I have heard many different stories from people that I barely even talk to. It's amazing the kind of information people offer up to me.... and I'm not even the one who is technically giving birth.
It seems to me that people either have a great experience and say it was a beautiful wonderful time or they hated it. There doesn't seem to be a middle road. So what can I expect? Well rest assured that I have a few more weeks of hearing story after story so maybe I will have a feeling for what I am getting into it. Trust me, I won't be blogging about the details. That would be under the category of TMI (too much information). :)