
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Organic Valley Coupons

I have been trying to incorporate more and more organic foods in my daily life over the past year. The biggest reason for this would be the birth of my daughter. When I started looking at different foods for her and doing more and more research, I came to the conclusion that organic foods would be the only choice for her and that I needed to start moving in that direction as well. So after 6 and half months, litle Katelyn (my daughter) has only eaten organic food and I would say that 60 percent of the food I eat is organic. The one problem with eating organic is that it's expensive! So, being a bargain shopper, I am always looking for deals and coupons. Once place I found that you can get organic coupons is at the Organic Valley website. Organic Valley has a whole line of products to choose from. Here is a link to the site. You can print off coupons directly from their site and you can also sign up for their program called "Farm Friends", and receive lots of coupons in the mail. So hopefully this helps out some of my fellow organic eaters out there. Remember, "You are what you eat".

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