
Monday, January 25, 2010

Butt Warmers = SBS

Yes, it's really stinking cold right now in Iowa. But, if you offered to purchase and install a butt warmer in my car for me I would have to say no. Why? Three little letters come to mind....... SBS. Now some of you ladies might be asking what does SBS mean? Well, it's something us guys know all about, and it's something that a butt warmer even in the middle of winter can cause. Yes, I'm talking about Sweaty Ball Syndrome. I'm not trying to be gross, just keeping it real. It's something that 99 percent of men will suffer from at least once in their lives. So car manufacturers..... why not seats that cool off your underside? I think the Volkswagen cars offers this. This would really make your car guy friendly and save a lot of people in this world from that uncomfortable feeling of SBS. :)

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