
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Proper Way to Leave a Voice Message

Nothing annoys me more than when somebody leaves me a phone message and says their phone number 100mph. Come on!!! That's the most important part. If I don't know your number I can't call you back. This happens to me at work all the time. Then I have to go back and listen to the message again, which isn't a huge deal, but when the person leaves a long winded 5 minute message and I have to listen to the entire thing until the end when they mention the phone number, then it becomes a big deal. So what can be done about this? Well, here is a short lesson in how to leave a message. Let's pretend I just called and got your voicemail....... This is what I say, "Hey 'insert name here', my name is Tom, I need an answer to something, could you please call me back at 1-800-Tom, once again my name is Tom and my phone number is 1-800-Tom. Thank you."
Notice how I repeated my name and phone number again at the end. That's all it takes. You might just save somebody some time and get called back.