
Thursday, March 31, 2011

3 reasons Trader Joe's Makes Grocery Shopping with Kids Easier

Trader Joe's finally opened up in West Des Moines this past fall. Not only do they have great prices on their organic and preservative-free food, but they really make their store kid friendly. If you have young kids, especially in the 2-3 year old range, you know that taking your child to the store can sometimes be a headache. Well, here are 3 reasons why taking your young children to Trader Joe's can make grocery shopping a lot easier.

1. Tiny Shopping Cartss: My daughter loves the little kid-sized carts. I let her push it around and help put food in as we walk around. It's more like playtime than shopping for her.

2. Free Sample Station: Yes, they give out free samples all day long. Towards the back of the store they have a devoted area that you can taste one of their products each day. My daughter loves getting the "Special Treat" and looks forward to it each time we go there.

3. Stickers and More Stickers: Don't all kids love stickers? Not only do they hand out stickers at the checkouts (also organic lollipops too), but they have staff walking around the store that will come up and give my daughter stickers. She loves it. They even change their stickers for each holiday and season. So kids always have a new one to look forward to getting.

Bath vs Shower - Which Do you Prefer?

I guess I don't understand why people take baths and not showers. I am a shower taker myself and have been since I was a little kid. I can see how taking a bath in some nice warm water and maybe even some bubbles could be very relaxing. But, when it comes to getting clean the shower is far superior. From my point of view, when showering all of the dirt and grime coming off your body is coming off and flowing down into the drain. While bathing you a pretty much just floating in a tub of your own germs, dirt, fecal matter and bacteria........ When is that dirt getting totally rinsed away? That doesn't seem clean to me. Just something for you to ponder today.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Melba Toast and Croutons - Some Hard Bread Anyone?

If there is no date on my box of Melba Toast, then how can I tell when it is old? I mean it's already hard as a rock.

On a related note.... Do you like old bread? Well if you love croutons, then you love old bread. Did you know that most restaurants use old stale bread to make their croutons from? Yep, they just cut the old bread into cubes, add some oil, seasonings and then bake.

Top 5 Vampire Movies

What are the top 5 Vampire movies of all time? Here's my list. Sorry Twilight fans, Edward Cullen and the gang didn't make the cut.

1.Underworld (the original one, the second one wasn't that great)
2.From Dusk til Dawn (How can you go wrong with a blood fest in Mexico with George Clooney and Salma Hayek)
3.Interview with the Vampire (Tom Cruise before he went crazy and Brad Pitt both play the vampire part very well)
4.Bram Stoker's Dracula (Classic)
5.Blade Trinity (the best of the Blade movies by far, the addition of Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds help a lot)

Easy Salmon Patties - Recipe

Looking for an easy to make and healthy treat? Look no further than Salmon Patties. They will have you and your family asking for more.
What you need:

- 2 cans of Salmon (boneless/Wild Caught)
- 10 Saltine Crackers
- 1 egg (helps hold the patties together)
- 1 tbsp Mayonnaise (helps keep the patties from getting too dry)
- 1/4 tsp of Pepper
- 1/4 tsp Salt
- 1/4 tsp Dill
- 1/4 cup chopped Spinach (optional – I thaw out organic frozen spinach I try to sneak extra veggies in everything)

Open up you two cans of Salmon and drain. Put the salmon in a mixing bowl. Next put your saltine crackers in a sandwich bag. Make sure you close it up good and put the bag down on the counter. Using your fist or kitchen utensil crush up the bag of crackers until you get a fine sand like consistency. Add the crackers to the bowl with the salmon.

In a separate bowl crack open your egg and beat with a fork. Add the beaten egg to the bowl with the salmon, crackers and spinach if using. Mix together the 4 ingredients in the bowl together. Add the mayonnaise and mix again. Now we can take care of adding the seasonings. Add the pepper, salt and dill (if you don’t like dill, you can substitute lemon pepper) to the salmon mixture. Mix well. You can let that sit in the bowl for a minute.

Next, grab a skillet and coat it evenly with cooking spray (canola oil works the best). Place it on your burner and turn up the heat to Medium/High. Using an ice cream scoop (if you don’t have one a large spoon will work too), scoop up the salmon mixture, creating 4 different patties and place in the skillet. Once in the skillet, use a spatula to flatten the patties down a little and shape them as needed.

Cook the patties for 10 minutes total, flipping each one at the half way point. Take off heat and serve with your favorite side dishes. Enjoy!

High School Assumptions

Why do people assume that since I went to a certain high school that I know everyone who ever attended there? Whenever the subject ever comes up which high school I went to, the person will say do you know "So and So" and 99 percent of the time I have no clue who they are talking about. They just assume that since there mother's, next door neigbor's, third child, who graduated 20 years before me and I went to high school at the same place that we were best friends. Test out my theory. Tell someone you don't know very well where you went and see what happens. I can almost guarantee they will ask. Humans are so predictable.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Long Ride Home

Have you ever went and picked up your pizza instead of getting delivery? It is just plain torture! Usually when I end up ordering pizza I am to the point where I am starving. So I figure if I do carry-out I can save a few minutes (and a few buck on tips - I am cheap) and get the pizza a little quicker than with the delivery boy. But I don't think I can ever do that again. Once you get the hot, juicy, cheesy pizza in your car the torture begins. You can smell the aroma and the chemicals in your brain start going wild, you start salivating and little beads of sweat start falling in anticipation of your feast. This is one of those moments in life where you just want to go back to your savage caveman days and rip open that box and destroy that pizza. Another given is that on this journey home you will hit every red light known to man and get behind an 80 year doing 25mph on the highway. Yes, your 10 minute drive will feel like an eternity. So listen to my warning, go with delivery.

The One Dollar Pregnancy Test

As I have mentioned many times, I am a cheapskate. So it makes sense that I like the Dollar Store. So I was strolling through my local Dollar Store (the one where everything is actually a dollar) getting in line for the checkout when I noticed a pregnancy test for a $1.00. What!? It was just sitting there as an impulse buy item with candy and gum. A few things came to my head when I saw this. First, who just thinks at the last minute they need a pregnancy test and just picks one up as an impulse buy? Second, can you really trust the results from a pregnancy test that costs a $1.00? I mean, come on. Having a child is a pretty big event in your life. Shouldn't you at least shell out $10.00 or more for a name brand one? What's next?....... a one dollar rock climbing rope? Don't know if I would trust that one.

Gross Facts You Should Know

These facts will make you rethink a few things:

-Did you eat a peanut butter sandwich today for lunch? That thick, yummy, and creamy goodness. In one pound of peanut butter, it typically can contain up to 150 bug fragments and 5 rodent hairs.

-House flies go to the bathroom roughly every 4.5 minutes. Think about that next time you see one fly on your delicious dinner.

-Think you've got it bad when you vomit? The longest recorded projectile vomiting is 27 feet. I wonder what he ate.

-In the mood for fast food? An average person will consume 12 pubic hairs in their fast food annually. Yeah, that McDonald's Double Cheese isn't sounding so good now is it?

-Pool time is right around the corner! If you swim one hour in a public pool you will intake 1/12 liters of urine.

Navy Blue Socks or Black Socks?

Am I the only person who can't tell the difference between navy blue socks and black socks? When I'm at the store sometimes I just can't tell by looking, I have to look at the tag to find out the color. Of course I can usually tell the difference really fast when I am at work wearing black pants and notice my socks are navy blue don't match. Then I feel really cool. But that's what I get for getting ready in the dark I guess.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Banana Bread with Cashews - Recipe

We buy organic bananas each week for our daughter to eat. The problem is my wife and I don't really eat them too. So we are left with extra bananas each week. I just can't let them go to waste and my daughter's stuffed pink monkey, name Punky, can't eat them, so I have to use them up in some way. This week I decided to make some Banana Bread. My wife enjoys it with nuts, but we didn't have any walnuts or pecans that your normally put into it. But, what I did have was some cashew pieces. That should work..... shouldn't it? Yes it does. Can't taste the difference and it turned out great! Here's the recipe I came up with:


- 1 Cup All Purpose Flour
- 1/2 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
- 3/4 Cup Sugar
- 1 tsp Flaxseed Meal (optional)
- 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
- 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- 1 egg
- 2-3 mashed bananas
- 1/4 cup Canola Oil
- 1/2 cup Cashew Pieces

Combine 2 flours, baking powder, baking soda, flaxseed meal and cinnamon in a mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, mix up the mashed bananas, egg, oil and sugar. Mix your wet ingredients into your dry ingredients bowl and then fold in the cashew pieces. Pour mixture into a greased bread pan. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Check bread by sticking in a knife or toothpick. When it comes out clean, you know it's done. Let it cool and then enjoy!

Top 10 Heist Movies

I am a big fan of "Heist Movies". They are great because at one time or another we all think about how to pull off the perfect heist, but most of us will never act on it (At least I hope so). So here is my Top Ten list of best Heist Movies:

10. Inside Man
9. Ocean's Twelve
8. Snatch
7. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
6. The Score
5. After the Sunset
4. Entrapment
3. The Italian Job
2. The Thomas Crown Affair
1. Ocean's Eleven

Thanks To Spell Check, I Can't Spell

I consider myself a pretty smart person. That being said, I really can't spell very well anymore. It takes a lot of thought to spell out a complicated word in my head. Why is this?...... I blame Spell Check. Yes, you know that nice little red line underneath all those misspelled words on your computer? I am to the point now where I am so dependent on that "little red line" that I don't even think about a word I am spelling correctly because I know it will be fixed for me. So in theory, this great invention of spell check is actually hurting society more than it's helping. So in one way, I have to worry about our future. With all the advancements in technology and humans having to use our brains less, will we resort back to our cavemen days? It will be interesting to see.

Why does Asparagus Make Your Urine Smell?

This is an old age question that needs to be answered. Why is it, that every time I eat asparagus my urine have a very distinct strange odor? Finally I took the time to look it up, and here is what I found. I hope you feel enlightened.

"Asparagus contains a sulfur compound called mercaptan. (It's also found in rotten eggs, onions, garlic, and in the secretions of skunks.) When your digestive tract breaks down this substance, by-products are released that cause the funny scent. The process is so quick that your urine can develop the distinctive smell within 15 to 30minutes of eating asparagus.

While eating asparagus may make your urine smell strange, it won't harm you. Actually, asparagus -- a member of the lily family along with garlic, onions, and leeks -- is a powerhouse of nutrients. It's an excellent source of folic acid (a B vitamin that may help protect against birth defects, heart disease, and cancer), a significant source of vitamin C (an antioxidant that may protect tissues against damage), and a good source of vitamin A (an antioxidant). Not to mention that asparagus contains 3 grams of fiber per 3.5-ounce serving and a host of health-enhancing plant chemicals, or phytonutrients, that may protect against disease."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

How to Eat Organic and Not Break the Bank

So you want to start buying and eating organic? The problem you are having with this is spending that extra $30-$40 a week on your grocery bill. This is a common concern, especially in today’s poor economic times. You know the health benefits of eating organic and you are willing to put the extra effort into finding ways so you can make it happen. So how you can eat organic and not break the bank? Here are some suggestions on how to accomplish this goal.

Look for Coupons – Go directly to the manufacturer’s website and look for coupons. Most of the time you will have to sign up for a newsletter or become a member of their site, but it’s well worth it. You can get coupons emailed to you, some companies mail them out and some are printable right on their website. Try Organic Valley or the Mambo Sprouts website.

Shop in Bulk – Many of the Bulk Warehouses such as Costco and Sam’s Club are now carrying organic food. You can buy a 3 pack of Organic Orange Juice for the price it would cost to buy 2 at a regular supermarket. If you are worried that you won’t go thru that much bulk food before it expires, find a friend or family member to share the cost and split it up.

Start a Garden – That’s right, grow your own organic vegetables. All it takes is some dirt, some seeds and some time. You can save money and might just find yourself a new hobby.
Go to Local Farmer’s Markets – A lot of times you will find that a local organic farmer is going to be a lot cheaper than a regular grocery store. You can also develop a relationship with the farmer and buy from them all year round.

Buy a whole Cow – For those of you looking for organic meat, buying a whole cow from an organic farm can save lots of money. Just store the meat in a deep freeze and you will be stocked up for the whole year. Don’t have a deep freeze, split it up with family and friends and share the cost.
So you want to start buying and eating organic? The problem you are having with this is spending that extra $30-$40 a week on your grocery bill. This is a common concern, especially in today’s poor economic times. You know the health benefits of eating organic and you are willing to put the extra effort into finding ways so you can make it happen. So how you can eat organic and not break the bank? Here are some suggestions on how to accomplish this goal.

Look for Coupons – Go directly to the manufacturer’s website and look for coupons. Most of the time you will have to sign up for a newsletter or become a member of their site, but it’s well worth it. You can get coupons emailed to you, some companies mail them out and some are printable right on their website. Try Organic Valley or the Mambo Sprouts website.

Shop in Bulk – Many of the Bulk Warehouses such as Costco and Sam’s Club are now carrying organic food. You can buy a 3 pack of Organic Orange Juice for the price it would cost to buy 2 at a regular supermarket. If you are worried that you won’t go thru that much bulk food before it expires, find a friend or family member to share the cost and split it up.

Start a Garden – That’s right, grow your own organic vegetables. All it takes is some dirt, some seeds and some time. You can save money and might just find yourself a new hobby.
Go to Local Farmer’s Markets – A lot of times you will find that a local organic farmer is going to be a lot cheaper than a regular grocery store. You can also develop a relationship with the farmer and buy from them all year round.

Buy a whole Cow – For those of you looking for organic meat, buying a whole cow from an organic farm can save lots of money. Just store the meat in a deep freeze and you will be stocked up for the whole year. Don’t have a deep freeze, split it up with family and friends and share the cost.

3 Easy Ways to Save for Your Children's College Tuition

So you just had a baby. It's never too soon to start thinking about saving for their future. With college tuition and expenses rising every year, you can start now and help secure a strong financial start to their adulthood. Here are 3 easy steps to help you save for your child's future:

Sign up for a 529 Plan – Each state has at least one form of 529 plan that you can sign up for. What is a 529 plan? A 529 Plan is an education savings plan operated by a state or educational institution designed to help families set aside funds for future college costs. It also provides some tax benefits at the end of the year at tax time. Most plans let you choose the type of saving you want to do either conservative or aggressive. The great thing about most plans is you can set it up to automatically take so much out of your account each month. That way you can gradually build up a little each year and by the time your child goes off to college it will turn out to be quite a nice little nest egg. Check out Iowa's 529 plan here.

Sign up for UpromiseUpromise helps you turn everyday spending into money for college. It’s really easy. You sign up on their site, register your credit card and you are good to go. The registered credit card will get you savings a certain stores, and if you online shop, just do from the links on their site and you will get a percentage back on each purchase. You can also sign up for a Upromise Credit Card that will get you additional savings. After the money starts coming in you can transfer the money to a 529 account or have your money sent to you by check.

Sign up for a Smartypig AccountSmartypig is a great new way to save for college and other things. Just create an account, set up your saving goals and start saving. You earn a great interest on your money and another great feature is the social networking aspect of Smartypig. You can connect your account to Facebook and other networks so that friends and family can help you save. Set up automatic payments and you will have a nice chunk of change waiting for your child come college time.

Why We Say "God Bless You" After a Sneeze

Have you ever taken a moment to wonder why we say "God Bless You" to a person when they sneeze? I have heard many different theories to answer this question. After minutes and minutes of tireless research I found out why we do this. Years ago there were some overly superstitious people who believed that every time you sneezed an evil spirit was coming out of you. So they would say "God Bless You" to congratulate and also pray for this person who was passing the demon. There you go. I hope you feel enlightened!

You Say Kleenex, I Say Tissue

I hope you understand that Kleenex is a brand name. Not all tissues (a.k.a. snot rags, burger blankets) should be called Kleenex. So the next time you ask for something to blow your nose with make sure you ask for a "tissue".

Also, does anybody else ever have trouble getting that first tissue out of a new box? I always pull out 5 to start with. I can never get just one. Maybe it's because I am buying the cheaper brands and not Kleenex? So after that I always have a big wad of tissues that I just have to try and stuff into the box so it looks good. Life is so complex.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Gold Guys - Recycle Your Gold

My wife had accumulated some gold jewelry over the years that she didn't want anymore. I was given the job of recycling it. So I headed out to Jordan Creek Mall to see The Gold Guys. I had read good reviews about the store and they are a BBB accredited business which is always promising. I went in not really knowing what to expect. I thought it would be a long drawn out process, but I was wrong. It couldn't be easier. I presented the rings, earrings and bracelet that I brought with me. First they took a magnet to it to easily eliminate anything that wasn't gold. That dropped out two of my pieces. Then they looked for markings on each piece showing if it as 10kt, 14kt or 24kt. Then they took each piece and rubbed it against a special stone. Over where they rubbed it, they used different chemicals to determine if the markings were accurate. After that they weighed it and made me an offer. I accepted and they cut me a check. The whole process only took about 10 minutes and I walked out of there a little richer (A lot better than I thought I would do). I would recommend the Gold Guys to all my friends and family. If you do happen to go in and sell some gold, give them my name as a reference and I get 10 percent of what you got too. Good deal!

Chewy Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

Just made these this morning for my family and they loved them. I tried to put a little healthier spin on them by using some whole wheat flour and adding some flax seed meal (adds fiber and Omega-3 fatty acids). Quick and easy to make and oh so yummy.


- 1/2 Cup Butter (1 stick)
- 1/2 Cup packed brown sugar
- 1/4 Cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
- 1 egg
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
- 1 cup rolled oats
- 1 teaspoon flax seed meal

In large bowl mix together butter (let it sit out so it softens or microwave it 15 seconds), 2 different sugars with a wooden spoon. Then add in the baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and cloves. Mix well. Next beat in your egg and add your vanilla. Add your 2 types of flour, oats and flaxseed meal and mix until well blended. Drop dough onto baking sheet (I recommend using parchment paper on your baking sheets) with spoon, making 12 different cookies. Pop the baking sheet into a preheated oven (375 degrees) for 10-12 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Remove from oven and enjoy!

Makes 12 great cookies. If you want more, double up the ingredients.

Glow Sticks in a Blender? Watch and See

I ran across this whle on Youtube the other day. I found it very fun to watch. I guess I like to watch stuff getting destroyed! :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday's Strange But True Facts

-In England, in the 1880's, "Pants" was considered a dirty word!

-Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin!

-The blesbok, a South African antelope, is almost the same color as grape juice!

-The average person laughs 13 times a day!

-Dogs can hear sounds that you can’t!

-Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women!

-It is estimated that millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts and then forget where they hid them!

-Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, "Gadsby", which contains over 50,000 words -- none of them with the letter E!

-Of all the words in the English language, the word set has the most definitions!

-A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans!

-Every 45 seconds, a house catches on fire in the United States!

-The sun is 330,330 times larger than the earth!

Interesting Stuff!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bathroom Memoirs

Have you ever been on the same bathroom schedule as someone else? What exactly do I mean by this? It seems like everytime I go and use the bathroom throughout the day, I run into the same few people. It never fails. I know walking in that I will see certain individuals. So this means that they are always in the bathroom or we are just on the same schedule.
While I am on the subject of bathrooms, I think most men can relate to this one. You walk into a bathroom and there can be at least 10 urinals lined up across the wall. They are all empty. I walk to the very end urinal to do my business and it never fails. The next guy to walk in has the option of 8 other urinals that are not right next to me, but he chooses the one at my side. I can't figure this one out.

Hair You Go

I was starving. I hadn't eaten in 9 hours. I sat down and ordered a plate of chicken fingers. And to boot, the restaurant I was eating at had the best buttermilk ranch to dip the tasty fingers in. I was excited and felt myself salivating. I remember remarking to my dinner partner, "I am so hungry, I could eat a horse." Which if you think about it, is a stupid saying. I really wouldn't eat a horse. But that is neither here nor there. Back to the story. The server brought out my chicken fingers and I started to dive in. Just as I dipped my first finger into the creamy ranch dressing I spotted it. No, it can't be.... Is that.... GROSS! There was a hair on my plate. Not just any hair, but a long, black, curly hair. I had to force my self not to throw up in my mouth. I had totally lost my appetite. I ended up sending my food back. Sure, I got my money back, but my appetite was gone. Isn't it amazing how one little hair can totally ruin a great dinner. That is the power of the mind!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hot Pockets - Who Eats These?

This is one of my favorite all-time comedy bits. He did a little bit on the Hot Pocket. I was laughing so hard it felt like my eyeballs were gonna fall out. Good stuff! Enjoy.

Pulse 99.5 - Happy 17th Birthday

Local radio station, Pulse 99.5, celebrates its 17th birthday this month. Over the last 17 years there has been a few name changes and format changes, but one thing has remained the same, a positive message. Sure, I have to admit Christian music 17 years ago was a bit cheesy, but thanks to bands like Skillet and Toby Mac, it has come a long way. Today if you listen to Pulse, you will get the same great music you hear on other stations, but with positive lyrics that will give you a great start to your day. If you haven’t checked it out, try it today.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Top 2 Kid Friendly Restaurants in Des Moines Area

Most restaurants around town have a Kids Menu for your child, but is it healthy? Is it just more of the deep fried chicken nuggets and fries? In most cases yes. So if you want your child getting no nutrition and ending up with childhood obesity, than you're in luck. But what if you want your child getting some quality food, with lots of different choices and at a good price? Look no further than these 2 area dining spots. Which happen to be my daughter's favorite.

1. Jason's Deli - This inexpensive (for 2 adults and 1 child our bill is under $20.00), family-friendly spot serves up organic produce, nitrate-free lunch meat, and whole-grain bread on both its kids' and adult menus. Last year, it became the only restaurant chain in the country to ban high-fructose corn syrup and artificial colors in all its food. "With the food dyes out of our mac 'n' cheese, for instance, it's no longer bright orange, but our taste tests show kids prefer the new version," says Pat Herring, director of research and development. All children's meals at Jason's come with a side of organic carrots, apple slices, or a fruit cup in addition to organic milk or apple juice.

2. Chipolte (Located in Valley West Mall) - It feeds kids good stuff. "Our menu gives children the same nutritious choices the adults have, and that fosters the concept at home of not having special kid food and adult food," says Chris Arnold, communications director. The ingredients are high-quality (all dairy products are hormone-free and most of the meat is antibiotic-free) and lower in sodium than most store-bought Mexican food (the crispy taco shells have only 10mg of sodium apiece). Plus, the chain requires each restaurant to locally source at least 50 percent of one produce item. Another bonus for families of kids with food allergies: The entire restaurant is peanut- and tree-nut free.

So the next time you are looking for a place to take the kids for lunch or dinner, check out one of these 2 quality spots. You won't be disappointed.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Charles Barkley.... No Thanks

Is it me, or is Charles Barkley one of the worst college basketball commentators of all time? Some of the comments he makes are just plain stupid. Even the other guys up there with him seem baffled by some of his remarks. The NCAA basketball tournament is suppose to be the best college basketball teams, so why not have the best commentators analyzing and giving us the scoop? Thank goodness for the mute button! Message to CBS - Next year get a former coach or player on your network that has a clue what's going on.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Guinness on St. Patrick's Day?

On any given day 5.5 million pints of Guinness, the famous Irish stout brand, are consumed around the world. But on St. Patrick's Day, that number more than doubles to 13 million pints! That's a lot of beer. Rest assured one of those 13 million pints will be mine. Okay, you twisted my arm, maybe 2.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Viva La Bamba - My New Favorite?

Last night I tried Viva La Bamba in Urbandale for the first time. It's located in the old Happy Joe's off of 86th St. I walked away very impressed. The menu and food was pretty much identical to what you would find at Monterrey, a favorite of mine, but what impressed me was the service and the cleanliness of the restaurant. The floors were clean, the booths were spotless and even the booster seat for my daughter was clean! Our server was fast and courteous, and attended to all our needs even though they were packed full of people. Viva La Bamba also has some great drink specials each night of the week. Friday is Captain and Cokes for $3.00. So the next time you want some great Mexican food, check out Viva La Bamba.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Des Moines Airport Gift Shop

So I was sitting there today waiting to pickup a friend at the airport and happened to notice some of the stuff representing Des Moines in the gift shop. Judging by the gift shop, if I were a traveler from out of state I would thing we love cows, pigs and corn. I mean come on! Is this how we want to be known to everyone? This isn't what Des Moines is all about. Sure we have some farms with a fair share of corn, but we have so much more! Don't we? Or is this just wishful thinking? Do we need to promote our City and State with Pig and Cow t-shirts?

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place - Best Show with No DVD Release

In the late 90's ABC aired a wonderful sitcom called Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place. It starred Ryan Reynolds, Nathan Fillion and Traylor Howard. The show was funny, well written and had some great Ryan Reynolds comedy. But, unfortunately after 81 great episodes the show was cancelled. The show went into syndication and ended up on the WE network and then just died out entirely. So my question is, where's the DVD? I can't find it anywhere. They have DVDs of every other show out there including crap like Blossom, but not this show? Even now, that Ryan Reynolds and Nathan Fillion are hot Hollywood stars, still no DVD? I have searched high and low on the internet but all I could find were what looked like homemade burned copies and not the real thing. I just don't get it.

Name of the Year Award for College Basketball

And the winner is.................. Bubu Palo, pronounced "Boo Boo", like Yogi Bear's sidekick. The Iowa State guard, from Ames, definitely has the most fun name to say during a game. Kids love it and it sounds cool to hear the announcer say "three pointer by Bubu!".

Hey Bubu, bring me some wins!

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The Oldest Italian Restaurant in Des Moines?

In most cities, especially out east, you have a long list of restaurants that have been around for 50 plus years. Here in Des Moines, we don't really have that same dining traditional. The majority of the places to eat around here have only been around at the most 10 years. So that got me thinking. What are some of the older restaurants in Des Moines? The list I came up with seemed to be a list of Italian restaurants. So then I set out to find the oldest Italian Restaurant in Des Moines. Here is what I came up with:

Gino's: Established 1966
Mama Lacona's: Established 1957
Tursi's Latin King: Established 1947
Noah's Ark: Established 1946

So there you have it. According to my research Noah's Ark is the oldest Italian restaurant in town. If anybody knows any different, let me know.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Season 12 Dancing with the Stars - What Stars?

So I started watching Dancing with the Stars a few years ago when local girl Shawn Johnson was on the show. After watching a few shows, my wife and I were hooked. The show had a winning formula of well known stars, great dancing, skimpy outfits and good music. What made that first season of watching even better was local Iowan Shawn Johnson brought home the title!

So fast forward a couple of seasons later and they announce the stars for the 12th season..... and THUD. That was the sound of the ratings for the show on ABC hitting the bottom floor. Who are these people? The ones I have heard of are barely stars?? Here's a complete list along with their dance partners:

- Rapper Lil' Romeo and Chelsie Hightower
- Boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard and Anna Trebunskaya
- Original Karate Kid Ralph Macchio and Karina Smirnoff
- Wrestler Chris Jericho and Cheryl Burke
- Football player Hines Ward and Kym Johnson
- "Loveline" host Mike Catherwood and Lacey Schwimmer

- Disney actress Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas
- Model Petra Nemcova and Dmitry Chaplin
- Reality star Kendra Wilkinson and Louis Van Amstel
- Talk show host Wendy Williams and Tony Dovolani
- Actress Kirstie Alley and Maksim Chmerkovskiy

Really, is this the best they could get together? The Karate Kid, Ralph Macchio? Sorry, Dancing with the stars, this season I think I will pass.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Inception - How the Oscars Got it Wrong

Last week's Oscars proved to be another year of the best movie being robbed of the ultimate prize. King's Speech? I don't think so. Did the voters not watch Inception? Inception (Two-Disc Edition) [Blu-ray] The movie was brilliantly written and put together by Christopher Nolan. Add that with some great acting and soundtrack, it had me wishing that the movie didn't end. I still want to see more of the dream world. So really to me, without Inception winning for Best Picture, the best part of the show was the music video mash up of Harry Potter, Toy Story, Social Network and Twilight. That was some funny stuff. "Doesn't he own a shirt?"

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Birds Taking Over Downtown Des Moines

The last couple of weeks when I walk into work it's more like a scene out of Alfred Hitchcock's the Birds than real life. Birds have taken over. Thousands of birds fly overhead dropping white bombs on their prey. The streets of Downtown Des Moines may look like they still have snow on them, but really it's bird poop. Pretty gross. So what can be done? I vote for open season on the birds. Because you know we have to get to them before they get to us. Beware of the birds!