
Sunday, May 22, 2011

American Alternative Fuels Act - Do Your Part to Get Us Off Foreign Oil!

United States Senators Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) have introduced what they call “commonsense” legislation to ease the pain at the pump and decrease our nation’s dependence on foreign oil. The American Alternative Fuels Act (S.937) breaks down the barriers to alternative fuels—including fuels derived from coal, biomass, algae and waste.
“Our unacceptably high gas prices…underscore a critical need: the federal government needs to be a partner, not an obstacle, for businesses that can transform our domestic energy resources into gas,” Senator Manchin said. “I’m proud to support this legislation with my friend John Barrasso, and continue to push for a national energy plan that will help drive down the price of gas and make us energy independent within this generation.”
“It’s more important than ever that we make it as easy as possible to use all available sources of American energy,” Senator Barrasso added. “Breaking down barriers to alternative fuels is one way we can ease the pain at the pump and decrease our dependence on foreign oil,” The American Alternative Fuels Act is cosponsored by Senators Roy Blunt (R-MO), Dan Coats (R-Ind.), Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska).
The American Alternative Fuels Act repeals barriers to domestic fuel production, in particular Section 526 of the 2007 Energy bill, which greatly restricts the federal government from buying alternative fuels. The new bill allows the Department of Defense to enter into long-term contracts (20 years) for purchasing alternative fuels.
The bill also creates a reporting requirement for domestic fuel-focused Loan Guarantee applications that are facing continued delays at the Department of Energy. Increasing transparency in the Loan Guarantee Program will help speed the process by pinpointing the delays in the bureaucratic process.
Among its provisions, the proposed legislation promotes algae-based fuel: The bill provides incentives under the renewable fuel standard for algae-based fuel that uses carbon capture and sequestrations.

These Senators have introduced this bill, now do your part and help get it passed. Make your voice heard. Contact your State Senator and let them know you want The American Alternative Fuels Act (S.937) bill passed!

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