
Thursday, June 16, 2011

3 Things I Would Change About the Des Moines Arts Festival

The Des Moines Arts Festival is just a week away now, June 24th-26th. With it being so close, it got me thinking if I really wanted to attend this year? Then I thought to myself, what were 3 things I would change about the Arts Festival, to make me really want to go. Here’s what I came up with:

1. Plan the Arts Festival in early Spring or Fall. Yep, forget about having it at the end of June, when the average temperatures in Des Moines are in the 80’s. I want to walk around and not have to worry about sweating too much and dehydration.

2. Get more artists from Des Moines and the surrounding areas! Well, it is called the “Des Moines” Arts festival. But it seems like all the artists are from out of state. Why not showcase more of what we have here in the great state of Iowa?

3. No more jewelry, hats and purses. Do we really need to have 50 different venders showcasing this stuff? Let’s see more paintings, mixed media and sculptures.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for events and festivals in the Des Moines area. With just a little tweaking, they could be so much better!

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