
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Race Car Drivers in Des Moines?

Have you noticed the people who put race car stickers on their cars? You know they have an "8" or some sort of Jeff Gordon sign. I think these people actually think once that sticker is placed on their car they have the right to drive like one of the drivers. They speed, change lanes without warning, ride your tail and are just plain annoying. These are the people that cause road rage. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

On another note.... This is nothing against anyone who watches Nascar. But, I really don't see how you can watch that for hours on T.V. It is just a bunch of cars going around in a circle hundreds of times. (??????) How is this fun to watch?

Monday, September 05, 2005

More Weird BK Stuff!

Burger King has out done themselves. First they had the weird looking King with the huge plastic head. Now something that I thought would never be scary. Let me say that I love Chicken Fingers. I could eat them everyday. (Jimmy's has the best chicken fingers in town!) So the new Burger King commercial for the "Chicken Fries" was quite disturbing. First they show a picture of these new chicken fries. Yummy, looks good right? Then they flash to a band with giant chicken heads on, jumping about and playing their guitars in an old factory. This looks like something out of a horrible nightmare. Chickens running around.....this should only be happening if they had their heads cut off....right? If you haven't seen this, look for it on the tube. might be disturbed.