
Monday, April 30, 2007

The Forbidden Phone Call

Has this ever happened to you? You're on the phone with a friend, having a good conversation, sharing funny stories, when out of no where you hear........ a very familiar sound......... the sound of......yeah that sounds can't be............. yes, a stream of liquid falling into a body of water........ they are going to the bathroom while on the phone.

A few thoughts about this. First, I don't care how close I am to you, I don't want to hear it!!!!!! It only takes a minute to give me a call back, I will understand if you have to urinate.

Now, I can let the old #1 go most of the time. But please don't even think about using the phone during the #2. This is just wrong. This gives a whole other meaning to a "shitty conversation". I don't want any part of it. Not only should you not be on the phone during this process, but the phone shouldn't even be in the bathroom.

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