
Monday, January 28, 2008

Thank God for My Keychain

Have you seen the keychains that you can buy with names on them? A lot of times you see them at gift stores and you buy them for your friends and family as a souvenir of someplace that they didn't get to visit. Really isn't that kind of rubbing in the fact that they are stuck at home? Okay that isn't here nor there. Anyways, I happen to have one of these keychains that say "Tom" on them. It may sound a little weird to carry around an item that has your name on it, but it comes in handy quite often. Just the other day I met somebody who I had never met before and during introductions I forgot my name. I panicked for a few seconds and then I remembered...... I pulled out my keys and there it was, "Tom". My name is Tom. Thank God for that Keychain! :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Road Trip Bathroom Break

When I am on a road trip and I need to tap a kidney (urinate), I usually pull off at a small town gas station. But for some reason I feel really guilty just making my deposit and leaving. I feel like I need to buy something from the station just in return for using their bathroom. I don't know why I feel this way? They offer their bathroom services free of charge, but you do get that "look", if you just walk in... and then walk out.... and I am not interested in pissing off a disgruntled, tired, underpaid gas station attendant who more than likely has a sawed off shotgun under the counter. So I usually try to find the cheapest thing I can, such as a piece of gum, purchase it and be on my way with a smile. I wonder if other people feel this way?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Rachel Ray Thoughts

I would really love it if Rachel Ray made a dish that she didn't like. Every time I see her try one of her dishes, she acts as if it is better than sex. Of course she will throw in her catch phrase "Yum-O" quite a bit too, which can get very annoying. What I want to see is.... Rachel take a bit, spit out the food is disgust and shout out a few curse words. That would make my day.

My other thought on Rachel Ray is this....Those so-called "30 minute" meals take way longer than 30 minutes to make. Have you ever tried to make one? Not only does it take longer than 30 minutes but half the ingredients she uses to cook with I don't have on hand on a daily basis in my kitchen. So if you include running to the grocery store, it really is over an hour to make the meal if not more.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Bad Dining Smell

Have you ever gotten home from eating out and noticed your clothes smell horrible? This can really ruin a dining experience for me. Some restaurants just seem to leave the fried food smell lingering all over you. One place I have noticed it really bad is at the Mexican restaurant I eat at quite often. When I leave their I can't stand my own smell (I would rather smell like smoke). Don't get me wrong the food is excellent, but it makes me want to stop eating there. I just don't get it, some restaurants must have better ventilation. Moral of the story restaurant owners...... don't leave your patrons smelling like a fryer, spend that extra money on the best kitchen fan possible.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Perfect Burger

A lot of the restaurants around town don't seem to know what a good hamburger is all about. First of all you never put shredded lettuce on a hamburger. For that matter you can can just leave all vegetables off the plate, no need for onions or tomatoes either. I think a lot of cook's like to over think the burger too much. They try and add things that shouldn't really be there, a good example of that is the Bonsai Burger at Red Robin. I mean come on! A fried egg on top of a burger? Not even close to the perfect burger. In my younger days I worked at a restaurant that served the "Goober Burger" which included peanut butter and mayonnaise on the burger. I really think somebody was drunk when they thought up of that. So enough complaining about imperfect burgers. Here, in my opinion is the burger they are serving once you enter heaven:

1/2 Pound Angus Burger (seasoned with salt & pepper and grilled to Medium well perfection), topped with Jack & American (must be melted) cheese, bacon and mayonnaise. One of the keys to this burger is that you have a toasted bun. On the side 3 dill pickle slices and fries (mayo on the side to dip in). Top this all off with a nice ice cold Pepsi to wash it down with. This my friend is the culmination of the perfect burger. I am hungry just typing about it!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Little Piece of Egypt Coming to Valley Junction

Come out, have some fun and support a good cause (See Below). I will be there. Will you?

Game Tournament Coming to Valley Junction

Simo’s Cafistro, and The Lagniappe will be hosting and sponsoring the first ever Secret Passages game tournament. The event is also sponsored by a number of other area businesses. Secret Passages is an exotic board game of hide and seek with an Egyptian pyramid twist. The tournament is billed as a first test run of the game that was developed and copyrighted by Ed Potter of West Des Moines.

Charity proceeds to benefit Freedom for Youth Ministries. The first round will take place on Sunday, February 10, 2008 and will be split between Simo’s and The Lagniappe. The semi-final and final rounds will take place at Simo’s on the following Sunday, February 17, 2008. Entry forms will be available at participating businesses in early January.

Enjoy some mid winter fun in the Junction as well as benefit homeless and at risk kids through the efforts of Freedom For Youth!

For more information about the tournament, email Ed Potter at

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Black Tongue? Thanks Pepto-Bismol

Have you ever had an upset stomach and taken some Pepto-Bismol to take care of it? If so you may have been victim to the black tongue or poop caused by it. It can be scary if you know nothing about it. You wake up, look in your mirror and yikes!!!! Your tongue is covered in black and you may think you have a horrifying new disease. But relax it's only the Pepto. The reason why? Here's what I found out at the Pepto-Bismol website:
The active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol contains bismuth. When a small amount of bismuth combines with trace amounts of sulfur in your saliva and gastrointestinal tract, a black-colored substance (bismuth sulfide) is formed. This discoloration is temporary and harmless. It can last several days after you stop taking Pepto-Bismol.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Dance Moves

I can't believe this great video. This guy took all my dance moves and put them together into one dance. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Sirius Satellite Radio

I just activated my new Sirius Satellite radio that I purchased over the holidays. I have to say that I am quite impressed. My wife's car has XM radio already installed in it and I liked most of their channels, but Sirius is a step above. I am a fan of most kinds of music, but for the morning drive to work I like some techno to wake me up. Sirius has 5 great dance stations to choose from! So if you are trying to decide on a new car radio, go with Sirius. Forget HD Radio. XM isn't that bad either, Sirius and XM are actually in merger talks right now. I am hoping it goes through and that my Sirius stock skyrockets!