
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lawsuit seeks to take 'so help me God' out of inaugural

I was reading the news this morning when I saw a headline that said "Lawsuit seeks to take 'so help me God' out of inaugural" that caught my eye. Is this the world we are living in now? The story goes on to say that a few atheists got together and felt like they were not being represented by government because the word "God" was showing up. Guess what.... You are living in the United States of America, a nation founded under God. The basis of American government is built upon Godly principals. So knowing that fact, these people who are so offended by God being used in government should look into moving somewhere else.... or just deal with it. I get sick of our country being so "Politically Correct". If we keep up this pattern of being 'PC'pretty soon we won't even recognize our own country.

the full story here

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Extreme Weather Chasing

This past month I started watching a show on the Discovery channel called "Storm Chasers". The premise of the show is exactly like it sounds, two different groups chasing storms and the resulting tornadoes caused across the Midwest. Being an Iowa native, I am all too familiar with the devastation a tornado can cause. But there is just something about a tornado that makes it so interesting to watch. The 100mph plus winds and the pure awesome power of nature is amazing! Anyways, one of the two groups from the show have a cool website with footage of tornadoes and many other extreme weather updates you should check out:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Whip It, Whip it Good

I was listening to some Christmas music yesterday and I realized I like the sound of a whip. (The sound was in a song with Santa and his reindeer.) I also like to try and make the sound of a whip. Whoopah!!! But that is where the like of the whip ends. I definitely don't want to be whipped by anybody and I don't want to whip anybody. But, I guess I would probably use a whip Indiana Jones style if I had to. Hmmmm...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Mountain Dew Cake?

I have a lady at my work who is addicted to Mountain Dew. So I was interested to see if there was a dessert to make with Mountain Dew in it. After doing some research I came upon this one, which had great reviews. So for all of you Mountain Dew lovers, you should give this a try.

1 (18.25 ounce) package lemon cake mix
1 (3.4 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding mix
1 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs, beaten
10 fluid ounces Mountain Dew™
1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple with juice
1 cup white sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 cup butter
1 cup flaked coconut
Add to Recipe Box
My folders:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan.
In a large bowl, combine cake mix, pudding mix, oil, eggs and citrus soda. Mix until all ingredients are moistened.
Pour into prepared 9x13 inch pan and bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 30 to 35 minutes. Cool completely.
To make the topping: In a saucepan, combine pineapple (with juice), sugar and corn starch. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring constantly, until thick. Remove from heat. Add butter and coconut. Spread topping evenly over cake.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Top 10 Christmas Movies

Here is my top 10 list of Christmas movies for the Holiday season: The first 3 are must sees for me each year!

1. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
3. A Christmas Story (Yes, it is played for 24 hours each year)
4. A Charlie Brown Christmas
5. Home Alone
6. Love Actually
7. Micracle on 34th St (new version)
8. It's a Wonderful Life
9. Scrooged (Bill Murray Version)
10. Elf

Honorable mention: White Christmas, Family Stone, Bad Santa, Santa Clause, Reindeer Games, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, Jingle All the Way

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Black Friday 2008 Ads

The giant day after Thanksgiving sales (Black Friday) are coming up soon. You can view all of the ads ahead of time at:

Looks like a lot of good deals on GPS for your car this year. Otherwise, I didn't see anything that great. But, yes I will be out at 2am in the morning getting those deals. I just can't help myself. Happy shopping!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Free Google Broadband Internet Access

This is the official 300th posting of my blog, "The Thoughts of Thomas". In honor of this milestone I am giving you all a free gift. The gift of free internet. That's right. Here is a link that will give you free internet from Google and save you hundreds of dollars each year. Enjoy. ;)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Update Your Cell Phone

Can you hear me now? Maybe not.... if you haven't updated. For all you Verizon users out there (like me), you may not know that you need to periodically update your phone to make sure you are getting the newest roaming list from the network. What can updating do for you?

By updating your PRL (Preferred roaming list) every few weeks, you can be sure you have access to our enhancements. As a result you may experience: Longer battery life, Fewer dropped or blocked calls, Clear, crisp connections in more areas across the United States and the ability to connect to the digital network in more parts of the country.

So how do you do it?..... Instructions for updating your PRL:
Power on your phone within any Verizon Wireless digital service area.
Dial *228 and then press SEND (this call is airtime free).
When prompted, press option 2 to update your phone's roaming capabilities
(the update may take up to 2 minutes).
Once completed, a confirmation message will appear to inform you that your phone has been re-programmed with the new PRL.

For those of you who use other carriers you may want to check with them to see if you should be updating too.

Monday, November 03, 2008

The New U.S. National Anthem on Wednesday?

This is from the Glenn Beck program. Funny Stuff. Hopefully we don't have to sing this on Wednesday Morning. Get out and Vote!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lock Laces

Do you hate tying your shoes like I do? I found an answer. I ordered a couple of pairs of Lock Laces a couple of weeks ago and I love them! They make slipping on a shoe a breeze without any worries when it comes time to tie them. Here is the description from the company:
"Lock Laces are a patented “elastic lacing system” that feature specially designed elastic laces combined with a spring activated locking device.

Lock Laces are great for running, triathlon, playing sports and casual wear. Lock Laces are also ideal for children, the elderly and the physically challenged. Wear Lock Laces with all styles of running shoes, athletic shoes and casual lace-up shoes for any desired use."

I normally don't endorse too many products, but this is one that is cheap and works great. Check out the website here: You can purchase from their website or you can buy from on Ebay, using Paypal, like I did.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Yearbook Yourself

Here is a cool site for you to check out this weekend. The site has you upload a mugshot of your face and then takes you into different decades of yearbooks changing your hair and clothes. It's quite fun. Try it out. Click Here.
The Picture is me from the late 70's (Kind of scary - Good thing I was a little too young at the time to be in high school). :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Cy-Hawk Prediction

Well, the big game in Iowa is this week. The annual Iowa State vs Iowa showdown. Both teams come into this year's contest with records of 2-0. Iowa has beaten up on two teams that most high school teams could beat. Iowa State so far has played a couple of easier teams as well. So who will win? Iowa has the home field advantage and rain is in the forecast. My prediction........ ISU 38 - Iowa 27 in an exciting game. Look for Phillip Bates, for ISU, to provide at least one "Seneca Wallace Type Moment" and put up some big rushing yards on the Hawks. And yes, the Cy-Hawk trophy will be the Cyclones yet again.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Feed the World - Make a Difference

This week if you live in the Des Moines area you can really help make a difference in the fight against hunger. Meals from the Heartland will be taking place Sept 1-9 at HyVee Hall in Downtown Des Moines. The goal of the project is to help feed 3 million people. You can volunteer in 2 hours increments and have some fun with family and friends doing it. For more information click here. I challenge everyone to come help out!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Obama and McCain on Abortion

A few days ago Obama and McCain met in a forum put together by pastor Rick Warren to talk about issues concerning America. Here is what both candidates said about abortion. This is another classic example of how Obama tries to side step every question and can't give us a definite answer.

Another Obama moment. "A baby is punishment". Wow. This is who might be our next president. Scary.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Cell Phones for Soldiers

If you're like me you get a new cell phone every two years when your contract is up. Or you might even buy a new one more often. My point is, you probably have some old cell phones sitting around that you don't use anymore just collecting dust. So why not put them to good use? Donate them to Cell Phones for Soldiers. This is a non-profit group that sells the phones to a company that recycles them. The money that they get for the phones is used to purchase calling cards that are sent to our soldiers serving. You can find a drop off site near you or print off a prepaid mailing label on their website. Click here for more info. I encourage everybody to participate!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Bomb Pop

I think that the white section of the Bomb Pop is my favorite. Since it doesn't have any artificial flavors it must be healthier for me too. After staring at the Bomb pop for a few minutes, I think they should have called it missile pop. Because when I think bomb I think more of a ball shape. This is more of a long missile shape (reminds me of something - I don't know what). And why is it Red, White and Blue? Is it saying that the U.S.A is known for bombs? So really the bomb pop is anti America? Hmmmmm. Maybe I shouldn't buy the bomb pop anymore? I will have to think about this one.

Blogs in Des Moines

The latest edition of the Des Moines Juice has an article about Blogging in Des Moines, which includes a little blurb about my blog. It also gives you details on other local blogs. You can pick up a copy of the Juice just about anywhere around town. You can view it by clicking on the following link:


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Move Over St. Patrick

Move over St. Patrick, because St. Brogan is coming to town. For years Irish Americans along with many others have celebrated St. Patrick's Day in America in March. My question for you is.... Why just St. Patrick? There are many Irish saints who deserve a day of recognition, especially St. Brogan. Besides, it's an excuse to have a Guinness and have some fun! Anyways, St. Brogan's feast day is coming up on Monday, August 25th. So grab a pint, call some friends and join in the festivities. Remember this year it is BYOB (Bring Your Own Blarney)!
"May your pockets be heavy—
Your heart be light,
And may good luck pursue you
Each morning and night."
Get your St. Brogan gear here!

Monday, July 28, 2008

CUIL vs Google

A new search engine has emerged to try and take on search engine giant Google. The search engine, (pronounced 'cool') is made up of former Google employees, who have invested 33 million into the project so far. So what makes Cuil better than Google and other rivals? Well Cuil thinks that features such as: The Search Engine has indexed 120 billion Web pages, 3x more than any other search engine and unlike other search engines, Cuil ranks results by the content on each page, not its popularity.
Personally, I am a Google man. I "google" everything I need to find. So far I am not too impressed with Cuil, but I will be open minded and give it a shot in a few weeks. Check it out for yourself and see what you think.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cold Butter is Not the Answer

The bread at the beginning of a meal is one of my favorite parts of eating out. At most places you either get some butter to spread on it or oil to dip it in. The other day I was eating at Granite City, where they serve you butter with your bread. So we get our bread and I start getting excited. I rip off a piece and get ready to spread on my butter....... and that's where my bread bliss is over. The butter is cold and as hard as a rock! There is no way I can spread that out to all corners of my bread. Instead, I just place the little square block in the middle of my bread and try to spread it around. The result.... a torn up piece of bread with butter in the middle. I guess I just don't get it. I know that the people who run the restaurant have eaten out and had bread before. Don't they see that you must let the butter soften a little bit at room temperature before serving to their patrons? I know I sound a little picky, but it's these little things that make for a regular customer and a one timer.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Play On Words

Sometimes it's weird for me to hear a woman refer to her friend as a "girlfriend". But, it seems socially accepted for women to say this. On the other hand, if I told somebody that I was going to play basketball with my "boyfriend" it might sound a little odd and confusing. It could be interpreted that I was gay (not that there is anything wrong with that) because I referred to my friend who happens to be a boy, and my friend, as "boyfriend". It's funny the way that works. Something as little as the way we refer to another person can define who we are in another person's eyes.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Are You a Shaniac?

I've had a ongoing craving for BBQ the last 2 months. It all begin when I ate at a restaurant down in Florida called, Jim and Nick's BBQ. It was the best BBQ I have ever had, no others even compare. They had wonderful brisket, pulled pork and some awesome fixings (cheesy cornbread - so good) to go with it. So since then I have been searching for some good BBQ to eat here in Des Moines. After trying some spots around town recommended by various people, I have finally found a winner. And the winner is....... Shane's Ribshack on University Ave in Clive. Their pulled pork is mouth watering, the brisket tender and tasty, and you have to try their ribs and chicken. Now I will admit, that their side dishes aren't the best in the world, but the fries and sweet tea more then make up for it. So give Shane's a shot if you are in the mood for some good down home BBQ done locally.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight - Go See It!

There has been a lot of hype surrounding the latest movie in the Batman franchise. Personally, I have been excited for this movie once I heard it was going to be made. Does the movie live up to the hype? Was it worth the wait? Oh yeah! This is easily the best movie of 2008 and maybe even of the last couple of years. Great performances are made by Christian Bale, Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart. There has been a lot of talk about Ledger possibly getting an Oscar nod for his performance as the Joker in this movie and I agree that he deserves some consideration. Ledger's performance is one for ages and you don't know if to laugh at the Joker or be scared of him. Overall the movie has a great balance of action and drama and the soundtrack helps makes some of the scenes even more mesmerizing. I will definitely go see this one again at the theater.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Turning 30

This week I turn 30 years old. Does this mean life is over for me? Heck no, it's just the beginning. I have so much more to learn, many places to travel and I am going to be a dad. The sky is the limit you could say. Although I will admit by body doesn't recover from physical strain like it use to, all in all I feel good! So, by turning 30 do I have some wisdom I would like to pass on?.......Sure, here is a list of 30 things I have learned in 30 years:

1. Never eat yellow snow.
2. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
3. Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
4. Don't order a burger at a place known for Pizza.
5. When somebody tells you a plate is hot.. don't touch it.
6. Don't drink the water in Mexico.
7. Don't try and sniff pepper, it won't make you sneeze.
8. Yes, Pepto Bismol does make your tongue turn black.
9. Rocky Mountain oysters......yeah they're not oysters.
10. Mayonnaise, is so much better with fries than ketchup.
11. Sometimes a pen is mightier than a sword.
12. Chicken fingers.... a gift from God
13. Limos are way overrated.
14. Probably shouldn't bumper slide on the back of a truck.
15. Catnip is for cats only.
16. Wrestling is not real, just like Santa Claus
17. You really can never win playing slots.
18. Man was not meant to go down snowy hills at extreme speeds with two sticks on his feet.
19. A grease burn just plain hurts!
20. Never believe everything you read.
21. Always think before you talk.
22. Jumping over midgets in Mexico is illegal.
23. Never pick up a lit firework.
24. Never order a dish that means "Angry Dish"
25. When playing paint ball... always wear a cup.
26. God does work in mysterious ways.
27. Try not to puke in your brand new car. It's hard cleaning the yak out of the cracks.
28. When you get a chance to travel... go you may never get another chance.
29. My parents were right.
30. Put your pride to the side and try to be open minded to new things.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Darth Vader Plays Golf

I was flipping thru the channels yesterday when I saw this commercial that made me chuckle out loud. I wish I could use the force for my golf game!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Easy Microwavable Egg Sandwich

Making eggs in the microwave? To most people that sounds weird, but to me it's just culinary genious. I remember the first time I made an egg in the microwave in front of my wife. She thought I was crazy.... Well, I am, but not for this reason. Once she tasted the delicious sandwich I made she had to eat her words. So, how do I make it? Here you go.

You need:
1 egg (I prefer Jumbo eggs)
1 bowl
1 can of pam (non stick cooking spray)
1 slice of cheese
2 slices of bread

Grab your bowl and spray the inside with the Pam. Crack open your egg and beat it with a fork. Place the bowl in the microwave and cook for 54 seconds (anything more and your egg will explode!). While the egg is cooking put your bread in the toaster. Now your egg should be done. With the egg still in the bowl, put the slice of cheese on top of the egg (so it melts). Butter your toast, scoop up your egg and cheese and put it on the toast. Salt and pepper to taste and enjoy. As my favorite (okay least favorite) food network star would say Yum-o. Total prep and cook time = less than 5 minutes

Friday, June 20, 2008

Latex Rubber Gloves - Misunderstood?

Rubber gloves + Anybody in the Room = A joke

That has been my observation when you put just about anybody in a room with a box of rubber gloves. They will slip the glove on and slap it up against their wrist like a doctor putting on one and will make some remark such as "Let me take a look in there". The strange part is that no matter how many times this has been used over the years as joke... people still laugh!

So does that make a Proctologist funny when he is giving you an exam? Well, if you are laughing during that, then I think maybe you might have other issues to worry about.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Iowa Floods of 2008

This is the scene from outside of my work today. The Floods of 2008 aren't as bad as 1993 yet, but they are still creating some havoc. It will be interesting to see what the next few days of rain will bring. Des Moines city officials say that that everything will be okay. Let's hope!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fast Phone Message

I have been getting a lot of long-winded phone messages lately. I mean a couple of minutes worth of message. The bad thing is that when it gets to the end and the person leaves their phone number, they all of a sudden turn in to an auctioneer and belt out that number so fast I can't get it written down. You know what that means........... I have to listen to that whole message again to get the phone number. That does not make me happy camper.

What can we do to remedy this problem? Pass a law that you must leave your phone number twice at the end of a message. It's that easy. Problem solved. Maybe I should run against McCain and Obama on issue in the upcoming election. Hmmmmmm.. Something to think about.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Feed the World

Play the vocabulary game at and for each word you get right they will donate 20 grains of rice to the UN World Food Program. It's your chance to help out using some brain power.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Business Cards - What a Waste!

I have been given hundreds of business cards over the years and only two or three of them have managed to escape a trip to my trash basket. What is the big deal about business cards? As soon as you meet someone new they slip one over to you. I think the card makes the person feel important to some extent. Yes, I have business cards myself, but the main thing I use them for is drawings to win prizes. You know what I'm talking about, don't you? A lot of businesses will keep that fish bowl on their counter to throw your business card in and win a prize. I think that is the best use of the business card. I am surprised the "green" folks haven't tried to ban the business card, because really, it is just a waste of paper. That would be one thing I would agree with them about.

Friday, May 16, 2008

McCain/Schrute 08

John McCain made an announcement the other day that his running mate would be Dwight K. Schrute (from the OFFICE). Finally...... A move that makes McCain the right candidate in my eyes. Check out this video listing Schrute's demands to be the VP. Funny stuff!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Destin Vacation

It's been a while since I have written. I just got back from a great vacation to Destin, Florida. What a beautiful place! It was a long hard winter in Iowa this year and getting some sunshine and vitamin D hit the spot. I would highly recommend staying at the Sandestin Resort if you get a chance. Lots of great seafood, emerald green water and the whitest sand (like sugar) I have ever seen (better than St. Thomas). Anyways, I have lots of new topics for blogs to come, so check back often. The pic is the view from the room where I stayed. Adios.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Oregon Trail - The Game

Talk about a blast from the past! For those of you around my age (almost 30), you might remember playing a game back in grade school called Oregon Trail. At the time it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. The object of the game was to travel across America in your wagon without dying. I would always try and sneak into the library to play this game. Here is a short little video I found on Youtube that may bring back some old memories. Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Obvio - Invading the U.S.

Obvio is a Brazilian car manufacturer that now offers their tiny little cars in the U.S. The target audience is the ever growing "green" folks who want to help the environment. But here is my question..... What good will a clean environment do you when you get hit by another car and get smashed into a pancake? I mean if this car went head to head with a Schwinn Bike it might lose. And who can fit into this thing? There is no way somebody who is a little overweight will be comfortable in this death trap. It will be interesting to how this does in the U.S. market. We will see. At least the hobbits of the world have a cool new car!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Marriage Law

It seems to me that a lot of women cut their hair short after they get married. From what I have heard most men would rather their wives not do this. But, as husbands, who are we to say what our wives should do with their hair? So instead of trying to convince your wife to not chop off the hair you have grown to love here is what I suggest:

If your wife cuts her hair short, then you grow your hair out long. Yes, really long! First you will go thru that mullett period on your way to full out 80's rockstar hair.... and if you are feeling really saucy, you can slick the long hair back with some gel and put it into a ponytail.

If all husbands united around the world to do this, women may think twice about cutting their hair after marriage. (I should get a nice punch to the arm from my wife for this blog.)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Earthquake in Iowa?

A 5.4 earthquake hit the midwest last night and could be felt in Iowa. That is not something you hear everyday. What is going on with the world? For the complete story check out this link. Is this a sign of things to come? We will see.......

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Pressure to Dance at a Wedding

I am no Justin Timberlake out on the dance floor. That being said, in the past I have been known to bust out a few moves after a libation or two. So now for some reason whenever I am at a wedding every two minutes someone tries to drag my two left feet onto the dance floor. It is pretty annoying. Will my presence on the floor enable you to have a better time? Or is it that you will feel better about your dancing skills after watching me? The worst part of the wedding reception is when that old "Ride the Train" song comes on. This means that there is going to be a train of people rolling by every few seconds, literally ripping at my shirt to get me to ride the train. Maybe I just am being a "Johnny Stormcloud" about this? Does this happen to anybody else?

Monday, April 14, 2008

$5.00 Footlong Song is Driving Me Crazy

Okay, Subway.... You Win. Your marketing dept has successfully implanted the $5.00 footlong song in my head! It won't go away. I think there may be some kind of subliminal message in the song. The melody creeps me out a little bit and makes me think of a hippy ranch where they are serving poisoned kool-aid. I don't know why, but I think I may be on to something. Is Jared trying to take me down? Hmmmmm.. I never did trust him. Listen for yourself.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Could I Climb Mount Everest?

I am currently reading the book "The Kid Who Climbed Everest" by Bear Grylls. It is the story of Bear and his attempt at climbing the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest. For those of you who don't watch the Discovery Channel, Bear Grylls is the star of the show "Man vs Wild", which is a very cool show about surviving out in the middle of the wilderness. Anyways, reading the book has got me thinking..... Could I achieve such a goal as climbing Everest if I really put my mind to it? If I had the luxury of no job, and had time to train.... could I conquer this mountain beast? I mean it is only 29,035 feet tall (almost 5 miles) and temperatures at the summit (top) can reach -100 degrees. That can't be too tuff? But seriously, if I was able to accomplish something of this magnitude, I would feel invincible. Hmmmm...... Maybe I will start off easy by hiking some local hills and see how that goes. :)

Friday, April 04, 2008

Good Old Name Tags

Does any body actually enjoy wearing name tags? For some reason I always feel stupid when I wear one.... Somebody walks up to me stares down at my tag and says "Hi, Thomas", even though they have no clue who I am. Maybe, I am just anti-social? Maybe I should embrace the name tag idea and take it one step further. I know what I will do... I am going to buy 7 t-shirts with THOMAS spelled out (in bold hot pink print) on them and wear a different one each day of the week. That way everybody knows my name. Sounds like a plan. :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pierogi Fever

Have you ever eaten pierogi? Doe you even know what pierogi is? For those of you who are confused right now, pierogi are:

half circular dumplings of unleavened dough, stuffed with cheese, farmer's cheese, mashed or other forms of potato, sauerkraut, cabbage, onion, meat, mushrooms, hard-boiled eggs, dry cottage cheese (the last two are rather Mennonite-specific), or any combination thereof.

The most important thing to know is that they are pretty darn tasty! I recommend trying one sometime. Just some food for thought.

Belly Button Theory

Does the world revolve around my belly button? Sometimes I feel that way, but generally I don't subscribe to this theory. What is the belly button theory? It states that you are the center of the universe and everything around you (and your belly button) is affected by your daily actions. Although.......

The last two times I needed to get gas I was driving home from work and each time I decided to wait until the next morning to fill up because I was too tired. The next morning on both occasions, gas went up over 15 cents a gallon. So the universe was punishing me for being lazy..... Gas prices went up because of little ol' me? Could this be? Maybe everyone should stop blaming George W.?.......Nah, It's gotta be his fault!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The answer to my St. Patrick's Day question........

Is Green Beer Safe?
While the green food coloring added to beer is harmless, the fact that the green stuff is usually added to low quality brew is nearly sacrilegious. On this holiday celebrating all things Irish, it’s best to drink a responsible amount of a quality beverage, like the traditional Guinness, rather than to gorge on green bargain beer (it might seem like a good idea, but you’ll pay for it Tuesday morning). Historically speaking, it might be wise to avoid British brews as well.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Taken to the Cleaners

I normally don't take things to the cleaners very often. But, every so often I have to take my bed comforter to get cleaned because it is too large for my washer and dryer. As, I have mentioned numerous times in my blog, I am a cheapskate, so I usually go to whatever cleaners I have a coupon for. This time I ended up going to a place I had never been before. Anyways... I take in my comforter and drop it off. Two days later I go and pick up it up and pay the fee (which after the coupon was still $15.00. I get home and unwrap it and it smells horribly of cigarette smoke. Now, I don't smoke and it didn't go in smelling of smoke, so what the hell? I took the comforter there to clean it, hence the name cleaners, not get it smelling like an ashtray! So pretty much I paid $15.00 for nothing.... I was taken to the Cleaners, as the old saying goes. Needless to say, I won't be going there ever again.

P.S. For those of you who live in Des Moines... It was Camelot Cleaners on 22nd St, WDM - YOU ARE WARNED!

Friday, February 29, 2008

In Honor Of Leap Year - Crazy Frog

I don't know why this struck me as funny, but it did. Happy Leap Day!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Take A Stand Against Scams

I recently purchased an item online that was from an infomercial. Yes, it was a moment of weakness in the early morning and I gave in. Well, I learned my lesson. I got the product, it worked fine for $20 and that was that. Right? Wrong! The next month I notice on my bank statement that I was charged again by this company even thought I didn't buy anything. I called them up to find out why and they explained that when I purchased their product I was automatically enrolled in a monthly exercise DVD program. I knew nothing of this program. I even went through the website I ordered from and it didn't mention this automatic program at all! So it was a scam. The company refused to refund my money and said I could quit the program but I would have to pay for this month and the next. I still hadn't even received anything more and they wanted to charge me. So I was pretty ticked off over the whole experience. The money wasn't that much, but just the principle of somebody ripping me off. I did some research online and found out there were tons of other people who had the same thing happen to them.

I decided to take it to the next level. I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, which anybody can do online at Two days later, the company called me apologizing telling me my refund was on the way and to keep any products that still may get sent to me without charge. So the BBB scared the crap out of them! Justice!!! By the way, the product was the Bender Ball! Buyer Beware.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chips Ahoy Scary Cookie

Have you seen the most recent ad for Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies? To be quite honest they are a little weird. They have an animated cookie with chunks of chocolate all over him. The point is to show how big and tasty these chunks are suppose to be. But, I think the chunks look more like oversized moles just hanging off the cookie. It doesn't make me want to eat one of their cookies at all! I can't imagine going in for a bite of anything and my teeth digging into a mole. Yuck! What do you think?

Monday, February 25, 2008

Glitter Wrapping Paper = Annoying

What’s the deal with wrapping paper with glitter on it? It's just plain annoying! Apparently the makers of the wrapping paper used the least amount of glue as they could so that the glitter would end up everywhere but on the paper. When I get done unwrapping a present I end up looking like I am wearing glitter lotion or that I have just recently been to a strip club (if you have been to one you understand - try explaining that to your wife.... it was just a present. I swear!) Anyways, a note to anybody who ever decides to give me a gift. Just throw it in a gift bag or cash is great too, as long as it isn't in a card with confetti in it. That's a whole other headache.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Siegel vs Van Damme vs Chuck Norris - w/ Bonus Rap Video (Hilarious)

Steven Siegel and Jean-Claude Van Damme have to be the worst two actors I have ever seen in a movie. But despite this fact, they still keep making more and more movies. How is this possible? How can these no talent clowns keep getting paid to stink up the movie screen? I do have to admit that there is one Siegel movie that I do like. Executive Decision, a movie that came out in 1996 starring Halle Berry, is the one great Siegel movie. The reason..... He is only in it 5 minutes in the beginning and his character dies. It's great!

The only question worth asking about these two guys is who would win in a fight? The ponytail might give Siegel an edge, but I think Van Damme would come out on top. But who cares.... Chuck Norris could kick both of their butts.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Everything Comes Down to Poo

This video always makes me laugh and it reminds me what to do when I am not feeling good. Enjoy. Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Sometimes I like to stand at the ATM machine and pretend that it's a slot machine at the casino. When the money comes out, I WIN! It's great! If I am feeling especially giddy I will even start throwing the money in the air and screaming "Jackpot". I do get some strange looks from people walking by, but who cares. I am having fun.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Duper Tuesday - A Bust

We listened to all the hype the last two weeks about "Super Duper Tuesday". This would be the day that decided who got the nomination for president in each political party. What did we find out?..... Not much. Hillary Clinton "Billary" and Obama are still pretty much dead even. McCain is still out in front for the Repubs and looks like he will get the nomination. Romney's poor showing was suprising and Huck's stong support in the South was also a bit suprising to me. I was also intrigued by Huckabee's comments on McCain. He didn't say one bad thing about McCain and wouldn't give a reason people should vote for him over McCain. Is Huck trying to get the VP position for McCain? Have the two teamed up to take down Mitt? I think so. But only time will tell. One thing I do know.....

The population of the U.S. is around 301,139,947 people. Out of all these people, don't we have somebody better than these 5 candidates? COME ON!!! Maybe this could be the year when a third party or independent could get my vote.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Another Ringtone Bites the Dust

I should have learned my lesson a long time ago.... But I didn't. Another song has been ruined because of my cell phone. It always sounds like a good idea to have a song you like as your ringtone on your phone.... But it isn't. After a week or so of hearing a 15 second rendition of your favorite song 10-15 times a day you start to really hate the song. It even gets annoying. It gets to the point where you hear it on the radio and it feels like you are taking crazy pills!!!! You have been warned.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Thank God for My Keychain

Have you seen the keychains that you can buy with names on them? A lot of times you see them at gift stores and you buy them for your friends and family as a souvenir of someplace that they didn't get to visit. Really isn't that kind of rubbing in the fact that they are stuck at home? Okay that isn't here nor there. Anyways, I happen to have one of these keychains that say "Tom" on them. It may sound a little weird to carry around an item that has your name on it, but it comes in handy quite often. Just the other day I met somebody who I had never met before and during introductions I forgot my name. I panicked for a few seconds and then I remembered...... I pulled out my keys and there it was, "Tom". My name is Tom. Thank God for that Keychain! :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Road Trip Bathroom Break

When I am on a road trip and I need to tap a kidney (urinate), I usually pull off at a small town gas station. But for some reason I feel really guilty just making my deposit and leaving. I feel like I need to buy something from the station just in return for using their bathroom. I don't know why I feel this way? They offer their bathroom services free of charge, but you do get that "look", if you just walk in... and then walk out.... and I am not interested in pissing off a disgruntled, tired, underpaid gas station attendant who more than likely has a sawed off shotgun under the counter. So I usually try to find the cheapest thing I can, such as a piece of gum, purchase it and be on my way with a smile. I wonder if other people feel this way?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Rachel Ray Thoughts

I would really love it if Rachel Ray made a dish that she didn't like. Every time I see her try one of her dishes, she acts as if it is better than sex. Of course she will throw in her catch phrase "Yum-O" quite a bit too, which can get very annoying. What I want to see is.... Rachel take a bit, spit out the food is disgust and shout out a few curse words. That would make my day.

My other thought on Rachel Ray is this....Those so-called "30 minute" meals take way longer than 30 minutes to make. Have you ever tried to make one? Not only does it take longer than 30 minutes but half the ingredients she uses to cook with I don't have on hand on a daily basis in my kitchen. So if you include running to the grocery store, it really is over an hour to make the meal if not more.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Bad Dining Smell

Have you ever gotten home from eating out and noticed your clothes smell horrible? This can really ruin a dining experience for me. Some restaurants just seem to leave the fried food smell lingering all over you. One place I have noticed it really bad is at the Mexican restaurant I eat at quite often. When I leave their I can't stand my own smell (I would rather smell like smoke). Don't get me wrong the food is excellent, but it makes me want to stop eating there. I just don't get it, some restaurants must have better ventilation. Moral of the story restaurant owners...... don't leave your patrons smelling like a fryer, spend that extra money on the best kitchen fan possible.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Perfect Burger

A lot of the restaurants around town don't seem to know what a good hamburger is all about. First of all you never put shredded lettuce on a hamburger. For that matter you can can just leave all vegetables off the plate, no need for onions or tomatoes either. I think a lot of cook's like to over think the burger too much. They try and add things that shouldn't really be there, a good example of that is the Bonsai Burger at Red Robin. I mean come on! A fried egg on top of a burger? Not even close to the perfect burger. In my younger days I worked at a restaurant that served the "Goober Burger" which included peanut butter and mayonnaise on the burger. I really think somebody was drunk when they thought up of that. So enough complaining about imperfect burgers. Here, in my opinion is the burger they are serving once you enter heaven:

1/2 Pound Angus Burger (seasoned with salt & pepper and grilled to Medium well perfection), topped with Jack & American (must be melted) cheese, bacon and mayonnaise. One of the keys to this burger is that you have a toasted bun. On the side 3 dill pickle slices and fries (mayo on the side to dip in). Top this all off with a nice ice cold Pepsi to wash it down with. This my friend is the culmination of the perfect burger. I am hungry just typing about it!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Little Piece of Egypt Coming to Valley Junction

Come out, have some fun and support a good cause (See Below). I will be there. Will you?

Game Tournament Coming to Valley Junction

Simo’s Cafistro, and The Lagniappe will be hosting and sponsoring the first ever Secret Passages game tournament. The event is also sponsored by a number of other area businesses. Secret Passages is an exotic board game of hide and seek with an Egyptian pyramid twist. The tournament is billed as a first test run of the game that was developed and copyrighted by Ed Potter of West Des Moines.

Charity proceeds to benefit Freedom for Youth Ministries. The first round will take place on Sunday, February 10, 2008 and will be split between Simo’s and The Lagniappe. The semi-final and final rounds will take place at Simo’s on the following Sunday, February 17, 2008. Entry forms will be available at participating businesses in early January.

Enjoy some mid winter fun in the Junction as well as benefit homeless and at risk kids through the efforts of Freedom For Youth!

For more information about the tournament, email Ed Potter at

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Black Tongue? Thanks Pepto-Bismol

Have you ever had an upset stomach and taken some Pepto-Bismol to take care of it? If so you may have been victim to the black tongue or poop caused by it. It can be scary if you know nothing about it. You wake up, look in your mirror and yikes!!!! Your tongue is covered in black and you may think you have a horrifying new disease. But relax it's only the Pepto. The reason why? Here's what I found out at the Pepto-Bismol website:
The active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol contains bismuth. When a small amount of bismuth combines with trace amounts of sulfur in your saliva and gastrointestinal tract, a black-colored substance (bismuth sulfide) is formed. This discoloration is temporary and harmless. It can last several days after you stop taking Pepto-Bismol.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Dance Moves

I can't believe this great video. This guy took all my dance moves and put them together into one dance. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Sirius Satellite Radio

I just activated my new Sirius Satellite radio that I purchased over the holidays. I have to say that I am quite impressed. My wife's car has XM radio already installed in it and I liked most of their channels, but Sirius is a step above. I am a fan of most kinds of music, but for the morning drive to work I like some techno to wake me up. Sirius has 5 great dance stations to choose from! So if you are trying to decide on a new car radio, go with Sirius. Forget HD Radio. XM isn't that bad either, Sirius and XM are actually in merger talks right now. I am hoping it goes through and that my Sirius stock skyrockets!